

Members of governing bodies

Each member of FEPEDA is entitled to have a representative in the General Assembly

FEPEDA is governed by a Management Committee where each member has a representative

FEPEDA also has an Executive Committee composed by André Cuencá (France) – president, Sari Paloposki (Finland), Carmen de Lamo (Spain) and Cosmin Brasov (Romania) – vicepresidents, Franziska Geiser-Bedon(Switzerland) – treasurer.

Members of FEPEDA

Austria – Gemeinschaft Eltern und Freunde Hörgeschädigter

Belgium – Vlaamse Ouder Comités voor dove en spraak/taalgestoorde kinderen (VLOC)

Bosnia-Hertzegovina – EHO, Udruženje za podršku djeci s teškoćama sluha i govora

Bulgaria – ARDUS – Association of Parents of Hearing Impaired Children in Bulgaria – APHIC

Czech Republic – Information Centre of Parents and Friends of Children with Hearing Impairment/Informační centrum rodičů a přátel sluchově postižených, z.s.

Estonia – Estonian Association of Parents with Hearing Impaired Children (EKLVL)

Finland – KLVL, Kuulovammaisten Lasten Vanhempien Liitto ry

France – Federation des Associations de Parents d’Enfants Déficients Auditifs – ANPEDA

France – UNAPEDA

Germany – BGK Bundeselternverband Gehörloser Kinder e.V.

Germany – Elternvereinigung hörgeschädigter Kinder in Hessen e.V

Georgia – AURES Foundation

Italy – FIADDA, Federazione Italiana Associazioni Difesa Deritti Audolesi

Lithuania – PAGAVA, Lithuanian Association of Families with Deaf and Hearing Impaired Children

Portugal – APECDA

Poland – Polish Ass. of Parents and Friends of Deaf Children

Romania – Asociatia Asculta Viata

Russian Federation – Saint Petersburg Association of parents of hearing impaired children

Spain – FIAPAS, Confederación Española de Familias de personas sordas

Sweden – DHB, The Swedish National Association for Deaf, hearing-impaired and Language-impaired children

Switzerland – SVEHK

FEPEDA is member of

  • European Disability Forum (EDF)
  • European Platform of Deafness, Hard-of-Hearing and Deafblindness
  • Global Coalition of Parents of Children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (GPODHH).