FEPEDA is a non-governmental umbrella organisation set up to represent associations of parents and friends of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children at a European level. It promotes the equal rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and young people and their families across Europe in order to contribute to a fully inclusive European Society, where Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, young people and their families have equality of opportunity and participation.
FEPEDA was founded in 1990. The founding members of FEPEDA were the associations from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Spain, the Netherlands, and the UK.

Fepeda is the European organisation of reference in the promotion of the equal rights of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people and their families across Europe. It aims to bring together the national organisations of parents and friends of these children and young people. All this in order to contribute a fully inclusive European Society where deaf and hard of hearing children, young people and their families have equality of opportunity and participation.
The mission of FEPEDA, acting through the National Associations of parents and friends of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people across Europe is to promote the equal rights of deaf and hard of hearing children and young people and those of their families, across Europe, by enhancing their life opportunities and by improving the quality of life of all deaf and hard of hearing children and young people and those of their families, irrespective of their social, cultural and financial status.
- to bring together the national associations of parents and friends of deaf and hearing impaired children, and
- to improve the quality of life and represent the rights of deaf and hearing impaired children and young people and their families
- in this context, to encourage cooperation, friendship and the exchange of information between such national associations.