The European Platform of Deafness, Hard of Hearing and Deafblindness met in Brussels on 30th October, 2019. As special guest of the meeting Mher Hakobyan from European Disability Forum (EDF) gave a presentation on the latest news and activities of EDF.
Bureau meeting 14th February via Skype Management Committee meeting in Malmö 3th-4th April
Асоциация на родителите на деца с увреден слух Association of Parents of Hearing Impaired Children Association of Parents of Hearing-Impaired Children (APHIC) was established on 23rd February 1992 in Sofia. It was a natural process resulting from the increasing needs of the parents of the hearing impaired children to share
“EHO” Udruženje za podršku osobama s teškoćama sluha i govora “EHO” Association for support to persons with hearing and speech disabilities Association for support to persons with hearing and speech disabilities “EHO” is an association which primary aim is to achieve necessary psychological, social, financial, diagnostic, rehabilitation and education assistance to help persons
We are looking forward to meeting you and spend a great time together during the European Family Camp for families with hearing impaired children! Remember: Dorfweill – Germany, 4-9 August 2019! English registration form German registration form
Romania – Asociatia nationala a persoanelor cu deficiente de auz din Romania “Asculta Viata!” National Association of Romanian hearing impaired persons “Hear Life!” National Association of Romanian hearing impaired persons “Hear Life!” was established in 2007 and comprises more than 280 families from throughout Romania, being led by the bureau made