News from FEPEDA Bureau meeting

The first Bureau meeting this year was held last weekend in Paris, France.


The Bureau had fruitful discussion on many important items. This year’s action plan was discussed including SWOT-analysis regarding FEPEDA’s strengths, opportunities, threats and weaknesses.


During this year FEPEDA will especially focus on increasing awareness of FEPEDA on family level in its member countries. Goal is to get families from different countries together by providing and sharing with more information through FEPEDA’s website and Facebook and by encouraging national members to invite families from other countries to participate in their own family camps for example.


When it comes to promoting of interests, FEPEDA made an inquiry on hearing aids amongst its members at the end of last year. The inquiry was about availability and the quality of the hearing aids. According to the results it is noted that in many countries the situation needs to be improved. Regarding this topic FEPEDA is about to publish a press release.


Please also note that the registration to FCEI-congress in Austria ( is still open – the congress gives a unique opportunity to meet other parents as well as professionals from countries all over the world!