DHB exists for deaf and hard-of-hearing children and children with language disorders, as well as their families. At DHB, we don’t believe that being alone makes one strong; we are an organization by and for families. Communication disabilities are not an individual’s problem but a challenge for everyone.
DHB addresses the needs and interests of the entire family throughout the child’s journey from preschool to working life. What is common for all our children is that the disability can lead to communication difficulties. We believe that all our children have the right to a good education and full participation in society.
The association consists of six regional districts and two national districts. The organization is based on democratic principles and is independent of political parties and religious affiliations.
Advocacy is an important part of DHB’s work; we inform and demand action from politicians and other responsible parties in municipalities, county councils, and the parliament.
We aim to improve the living conditions for our members. We highlight deficiencies in society and demand improvements for our target groups. We work, among other things, for:
- Better schools/education
- Sign language training for parents and siblings
- Parental support
- Increased participation and accessibility for our target groups
We achieve this by:
- Engaging with politicians, authorities, and decision-makers in various areas of society
- Writing statements and responding to consultations
- Collaborating with related organizations on common issues
- Running our own projects and participating in projects with other organizations
The National Association DHB organizes various activities for our members, but a significant portion of member activities are organized by the district organizations. These may include camps, conferences, training sessions, language trips, and more.
The National Association DHB is consistently involved in projects for all our target groups, both independently and in collaboration with other organizations. Projects usually span several years.
Website: https://www.dhb.se/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhbriks
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/riksforbundetdhb/
Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/riksf%C3%B6rbundet-dhb/?viewAsMember=true
Contact details:
Riksförbundet DHB
Fabriksgatan 54A
702 23 Örebro
Text: (write 019122146)
E-mail: kansliet@dhb.se
Contact details representative in FEPEDA:
Daniel Lakso Tesak
E-mail: daniellakso@yahoo.se
Phone: 0703-743574