The next Management committee meetings and General Assembly will be held on 5th-7th of October in Bukarest, Romania. Looking forward to seeing you all!
The next Management committee meetings and General Assembly will be held on 5th-7th of October in Bukarest, Romania. Looking forward to seeing you all!
Accessible emergency communication for persons with disabilities: a requirement to save lives The Council’s proposal to exclude Public Safety Answering Points (centres answering emergency calls) from the upcoming European Accessibility Act will keep millions of persons with disabilities at risk. Several organizations, including FEPEDA, call on the Council of the
Attention FEPEDA member organizations! The summer is just around the corner. Are you having summer camps in your country? If yes, this is your chance to expand your international network by inviting international families to your camp! One of FEPEDA´s main goals this year is to increase awareness of FEPEDA
The first Management Committee meeting this year was held in Frankfurt on 13.-14.4.2018. There were participants from eight countries attending the meeting. During the meeting weekend we had a lot of good discussion and made progress in many important items. One of FEPEDA’s goals this year is to bring families
The first Management Committee meeting this year will be held in Frankfurt on 13-14th April. The agenda has already been sent out to all members. If you have not yet confirmed your participation, you still can register- please contact the Secretariat! Looking forward to seeing you all!
Henkilön Fepeda- European Federation of Parents of Hearing-Impaired Children kuva.
The first Bureau meeting this year was held last weekend in Paris, France. The Bureau had fruitful discussion on many important items. This year’s action plan was discussed including SWOT-analysis regarding FEPEDA’s strengths, opportunities, threats and weaknesses. During this year FEPEDA will especially focus on increasing awareness of
One of every five women in the world is a woman with disability. Girls and women deserves to have a voice at UN CEDAW Committee. FEPEDA supports Ana Peláez candidature for CEDAW Committee.
The fourth FCEI Congress will be held in June in Austria. Please find further information at The Congress offers a great possibility to meet other parents as well as professionals worldwide!
The first Bureau meeting this year will be held on 24th of February in Paris . There are many important items on our agenda. We are looking forward to get started our work on issues which have been listed in our action plan. Your active participation is needed! Please feel